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North American Edition
23rd September 2021
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Help Employees Better Navigate Their Benefits

Open enrollment, always a stressful season for the HR professional, has been made even more challenging by recent struggles to work remotely and reopen safely. Employees will invariably turn to their people team for guidance and support. In fact, a new survey by the Edelman Trust Barometer found that 63% of respondents said they would believe information about COVID-19 from their employer compared with 58% for a government website and 51% for traditional media. This level of trust is a huge responsibility.

Companies continue to rely on HR teams to help employees understand and get value from their healthcare benefits. Making employees comfortable with their care provider is an essential duty: according to Glassdoor, helping employees become more satisfied with their health insurance can increase their satisfaction with the Company.

We’ve outlined the four main challenges HR faces when it comes to managing employee healthcare benefits and how to solve them:

When many employees don't understand basic terms like “deductible” and “copay,” it's clear there’s a growing literacy gap when it comes to healthcare. Confusion over selecting the right benefit plan for an employee’s unique needs, understanding what is covered or not, and what steps to take to ensure specific services are covered are all big pain points for employees during open enrollment.

More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has made things even trickier. HR teams must manage a workforce that has become increasingly hybrid (onsite and remote).

Employers are starting to offer more specialized providers, or “point solutions,” to meet distinct but sometimes overlapping employee needs. While having these resources are critical for employees navigating open enrollment, disparate solutions can lead to “point solution fatigue.” Each of these solutions requires different signups, apps, and access points for employees, resulting in disjointed care, confusion for workers, and new challenges for HR.

Healthcare costs are rising quickly. For companies, the increase in health benefit costs is outpacing the rise of inflation or the growth of the economy.

Employees either seek too much care or not enough. Without guidance, employees may overuse high-cost services that provide little value or overlook low-cost preventive measures that could help them to stay healthy in the long run.

Solving Each Open Enrollment Challenge
Eden Health rolls up multiple point solutions for solving open enrollment challenges into one solution that delivers a more efficient healthcare offering for employees and HR teams.

Managing providers, referrals, prescriptions, and insurance claims is an unwelcome challenge in the employee healthcare experience. Employees typically lack the knowledge and experience needed to find their own solutions and HR teams lack the time and bandwidth needed to support every employee in their care journey.

Eden Health helps to bridge this gap in three important ways:
  • Help employees make informed decisions about their health plan options during open enrollment.
  • Reduce the frustration experienced by employees when interacting with health insurance companies.
  • Ensure employees get the answers and outcomes they need, while freeing the HR team to advance other key initiatives.
To employees, the healthcare landscape can often seem like an endless, twisting maze. Eden Health can serve as a valuable guide through the complex, end-to-end care process.

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